What To Say (And What Not To Say) After An Auto Accident

When you've just been in a car accident, it can be pretty hard to even form a coherent thought. However, an auto accident is exactly the time that it is most important to think on your feet. While it is completely normal to feel upset and angry (especially if the other driver tries to claim that you're responsible), it is best to carefully control what you say immediately following the accident. Read on to find out exactly what you should - and shouldn't - say after a car wreck.

Talking to the Police 

You always need to speak with the police officers who respond to the accident as soon as possible. If you're injured and have to be immediately transported to the hospital, there may not be an opportunity to do so immediately. In that case, you will typically be asked to visit the precinct where the accident occurred when you are able. 

The police need to get as many details as possible from you and from any other drivers involved in the accident. You can be as honest as possible with the police regarding how and why the accident happened, but don't go out of your way to cast blame on the other driver. Keep it simple and to the point by telling the police officers as many details as you can remember. This includes things like:

  • Weather conditions 
  • Road conditions
  • Time of accident
  • Information about accident witnesses
  • Any unusual situations that may have contributed to the accident

The police report can be an essential part of the evidence in your accident case later on, so taking the time to give the officers the proper info is always wise.

Talking to the Other Driver

What to say to the other driver after the accident is quite simple: Say nothing. The other driver is probably noting everything you say and do - and those things might be used to try to implicate you in the accident later.

The other driver may approach you to try to talk about how the accident happened, or to ask for your insurance information. They may even try to make accusations against you. If this occurs, simply tell them that you prefer to wait for the police to arrive before any conversation or information exchange takes place. 

Once the police arrive, you can give your insurance information and personal contact info to them. The police will share that information with the other driver in the police report - no need for you to speak with the other driver at all. Remember, the police are just there to make a report on the accident, not to act as negotiators or to facilitate discussions between you and the other driver. That is part of your accident attorney's role.

For more information, contact Altizer Law P.C. or a similar firm.
